Not even Bloomberg armed terrorists


We live in unprecedented times. The Biden-Harris administration – the most anti-gun administration in history – has just armed the world’s largest terrorist group with state-of-the-art weapon systems, including fighter aircraft, artillery, tanks, sophisticated drones and more than 600,000 real assault weapons. Meanwhile, they still want to ban our pistol braces and semi-auto ARs, which would turn millions of lawful gun owners into felons, overnight.

Nowadays, it seems the most precious commodity a gun owner can have – other than ammunition – is information. That, folks, is why the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project was created.

For the past six months, we have armed you with the truth – period. There’s no fake news here. Our stories, opinion columns and analysis have broken national news:

  • We were the first to expose Obama’s former national security adviser and UN Ambassador, Susan Rice, as the puppet-master behind Joe Biden’s war on guns.

Our stories are regularly republished by pro-gun websites and shared by thousands of readers on social media. There’s no doubt that more than a million likeminded folks have read our stories, but we still desperately need your help.

While that anti-gun forces rely on former New York City mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg for funding, we rely on you. This project is member supported, kind of like PBS, although that’s about all we have in common with that network.

If you can help us continue our work, please click here to make a tax-deductible donation, which will support more pro-gun stories. If you have questions, please give me a call.

You have my thanks,


Lee Williams

Chief Editor

Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project

Cell: 941-284-8553